Follow These 6 Steps And Start Getting Paid To Write Articles
Writing articles to get paid is not only free to do; it is like writing your own paycheck. If you just want a little extra cash, write an article a week, or for a bigger paycheck, write at least 1-2 articles a day, and watch your traffic and sales explode.
There is a technique to writing articles if you plan on getting traffic from Google, Yahoo, or any of the other search engines. You must know what you are writing about, and have the ability to keep your readers attention. This is how we are going to get our visitors to read the entire article. If you accomplish that, then chances are you have sparked their interest, and they will be more likely to check out your website or affiliate link that will be listed in the bio box.
First things first:
The first step before you can begin your article marketing campaign is to know what you will be promoting. If you already have a product, skip this step. If you do not have a product, there are thousands of them all over the internet that you can promote, and receive a commission for the sale. The most popular sites for this are Clickbank and Commission Junction, but there are many more if you just do a search for them. Choose a product that when reading the sales page, you would be tempted to purchase. Steer clear from products that allow orders by phone, as you will not get the commission, so if you find this option for ordering on a product site, I would recommend searching for another product.
Now that you have the product that you plan on promoting, you have to know what it is, how it works, and most importantly, what the benefits are for the customer. Go to the product website and read the sales page and take notes on what the benefits are. This is extremely important if you want to write a professional article and gain your readers trust.
Writing articles for the first time can be intimidating, which is why many online marketers never get started, and ultimately lose out on all of the free targeted traffic that can be gained by writing a short article with good content. Always write your article first and save it to your computer as you will need to refer back to it. Start out by introducing what you are going to tell your reader. The first sentence or two is going to determine whether or not your reader is going to finish the article. You then move in to the article, and tell them what you want them to know about the subject. Make sure to list the benefits in great detail. In closing, summarize what you told them. Once you write a few articles, it will become much easier. DO NOT sell the product in your article. Some article directories will not even publish your article if it looks like a sales letter, and more importantly, if it does get published, your reader will click out of it as fast as they clicked in if they feel that it is a sales pitch.
At the end of the article, there is an area for the Authors Bio – this is where you can let the reader know a little about you, and offer a link to your website, affiliate link, or blog. Do make sure that the article relates to what you are promoting, otherwise, your link may get clicked on, but your prospect won’t stay long when they see that it has nothing to do with the article they just read.
This is the most important part of this process, and really is the indicator of whether or not your article will get picked up by the search engines. You must find a title that will be searched for, but be smart and choose a phrase with less search results. In other words, if you are trying to get an article indexed by Google using a search phrase that will give 1 million results, chances are your article will never be seen. Use the free keyword tools and you should be able to find many phrases to suit the content of your article.
The final step is submitting your article to free article directory sites. Many of them will publish it right away, but there are some that are reviewed by a real person before they get published. This sounds like bad news, but the article sites that do this are the ones that you will get a lot of traffic from if your article gets published by them.
That’s it. Once you do this once or twice, you will become more comfortable with the process, and will be able to write better articles in a shorter period of time. The results can be extremely powerful if your article gets picked up by a large publication. There are also tons of other marketers out there looking to update the content on their blog or website. I have found many of my own articles on other blogs which means I have attracted the reader’s attention. This is a great way to get viral traffic. Why? Any person who uses someone else’s article is required to keep the information in the bio box intact. Otherwise, it would be considered plagiarism. What does that mean? It means that your website or affiliate link will be advertised for free on someone else’s website. This is a great way to gain backlinks to your site.
If you choose a popular title, you should be able to do a search for the title name in 1-2 days and find your article listed on the first page of the search engines. Get started today writing your articles, and don’t get discouraged if the first one is not extremely successful. Article writing is free, so take advantage of it.
For more ways to get paid online, visit Melissa’s website at