Monday, September 15, 2008

Who Is Sebastian Foss?

Sebastian Foss is the "creator" of The Money Bank System, Money-License System, Blog Blaster, Feed Blaster, Hit Booster, and other "I will make you rich" schemes. I can honestly say that I have purchased The Money Bank System and Blog Blaster, and I can assure you that you are better off putting your hard earned money on other products that do work, or none at all. I realize that we don't know what works and what doesn't until we've already purchased it, and I have been victim to this more than once, which is why I only review products that I have purchased, but I especially feel that someone needs to take Sebastian Foss' products, and put them on some other cyber-space where it won't drain our wallets (or purses).

If you read the sales page from his websites, you will see that most of them, if not all say that you can begin making $200 per day in "3 steps".

The Money Bank System (It's as easy as harvesting money from trees -- yeah right!) consists of a review page of The Money Bank System. That's about it. It contains links to help you get traffic -- how -- by purchasing his other products! How's that for $47?

I have been receiving emails from someone claiming to be Sebastian Foss, I don't know if it's really him, or someone trying to be him, but I have considered emailing the person and telling them to pick another hero. I would never again buy anything from Sebastian Foss, even if it's an affiliate link of a product I would like to purchase. That's called deleting your cookies, and buying from another affiliate who I don't mind helping out.

I am not hateful, but I am sick of seeing his name and/or products plastered all over the web, and thinking about all of the people getting scammed by his 1-2-3 schemes! Please don't fall for it.

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