Ideas To Make Quick Cash
Three awesome ideas to make quick cash on the internet.
There are hundreds of ways to make quick cash on the internet, but finding the right ones that fit your style and personality is the hard part. If you have been searching very long for ways to make quick cash, then you have most likely run in to articles that tell you to open up an online store, sell items that you have at home on ebay, make $500 a day gambling online starting tonight , and hundreds of others. While most of these ideas are genuine ways to make money on the internet, they will most certainly not make quick cash for you today, or ever if not applied properly.
I am here to tell you that there are ways to make quick cash online that will work. The methods I am about to reveal to you can get quick cash for you; however, they are not long term strategies that will allow you to quit your job today unless you spend the time required to keep up with it.
If you follow my advice without skipping anything, you will be able to make quick cash whenever you feel like it. Take it one step at a time, and when you have completed it and made money, move on to the next. Let's get started.
- IFW stands for Incentivized Freebie Websites. These sites pay people to refer others to their offers. An offer is something such as entering your email address for information, trying out a product such as acne medication, dvd rental, or an online venture. While this idea does not require you to refer others to the offers, it does allow you to get paid for completing the offers. Please don't underestimate the power of IFW's. How it works is you join an online forum which consists of affiliates that are paying people just like you to complete offers for them. Why? For a very good reason. The IFW sites are paying the affiliate a very handsome commission for referring a specific number of people to their website, who in turn complete an offer. For example: you find an affiliate on the forum that you would like to work with, ask them what offers that they have available for you to complete, and how much they will pay you to complete them. You go to the offer website from the link given to you by the affiliate, complete the offer, and you just made at least $20. Do this four to five times a week, and that's an extra $100 for doing almost zero work. Many of the affiliates will pay you a bonus if you complete more than one offer for them. Go to Google and do a search for "freebie forum", and you should be able to find one that you can join right away and begin making money within the hour.
- Find a popular video on YouTube that has had a lot of views, and download it to your computer (you will have to use special software as YouTube does not allow you to download from their site). Go back to the IFW site that you joined in step 1, and copy your referral link to notepad or Word. Get a domain name related to the offer site (this will cost anywhere from five to ten dollars, but you have the money that you earned in step 1), redirect it to your affiliate link for the offer site, and watermark the video with your domain name using free software that can also be found by doing a search on Google. When someone watches the video, they will see your website address, and if they go to your website, chances are, they may complete an offer if it is something that was related to the video that they just watched. If you can get 10 people to do this, some of the offer sites will pay you 10 times what you paid for the domain name. If you choose the right video, you could get 10 referrals in one night. Imagine having 10-20 of these videos watermarked with your domain name. If you can find enough videos that are getting a high number of views, and are somewhat related, you can use the same domain name in all of them. I'll leave the rest up to your imagination.
- This is where it gets really exciting! By now, you should have earned at least $100 from completing steps 1 and 2. You can now afford to invest a little of it to more than triple your earnings. Using the same website address from step 2, you can advertise it through a contextual network site for about one cent per view. First, write down as many keywords as you can think of that someone would use to search for the product that you are trying to get people to sign up to (your offer page). You can and should include domain names of popular websites that are promoting the same or similar offer. Once you have at least 100 keywords (this should take you about 30 minutes), sign up for the contextual ad site, and create a campaign that will include your affiliate link, and all of the keywords from your brainstorming session. Anytime someone searches for one of your keywords, your ad will appear on their screen. If they click on the ad, they will be directed to your website, where they will complete your offer, and you will get paid an affiliate commission. One campaign can make you quick cash, but if you are seriously looking to make a large amount of money, you should create 20-30 campaigns, and then you can start thinking about quitting your day job.
By now you may be thinking that if you can do this, you can do what the other affiliates are doing that have quit their day jobs. Well guess what, you're absolutely right. If you can complete the 3 steps above, and make money doing it, you are on the right track to making a killing on the internet. Don't get discouraged if it takes you two or three times to get steps 2 and 3 right, the amount of money that can be earned far outweighs the time spent getting there.
Labels: earn quick cash, ideas to make quick cash, make quick cash today, quick cash, ways to make quick cash
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